Why did I read it?
I quickly read the synopsis, and found out that the lead
character does parkour. I was pretty excited about reading it after that point.
What happened?
Akonio Dolo is a student in Timbuktu in the 14th century. Turns out that studying isn’t near as exciting as robbing the gold below the temple, which is exactly what Akonio does until he is caught in the act. Before committing suicide, Akonio leaves a clue to where he hid his gold stockpile. Fast forward to the modern day where Danny and Omar are also going to school (not in Timbuktu). Danny and Omar deeply enjoy a freedom of movement called parkour, and Danny equates this kind of thinking to his computer hacking skills as well. Unbeknownst to Danny, a map that explains Akonio’s clue has been discovered, and it will take a hacker to get at it. Enter some interested guys who are forcibly enlisting the help of known hackers, and Danny and Omar get swept up into finding the gold. But, what exactly have they gotten themselves into?
What did I like or not like?
The book is really easy to read, and imaging Danny and Omar racing through the streets is really cool. But, the storyline is pretty predictable, and there isn’t very much character development. But, if you are looking for an enjoyable and fast read, this one is for you.
What happened?
Akonio Dolo is a student in Timbuktu in the 14th century. Turns out that studying isn’t near as exciting as robbing the gold below the temple, which is exactly what Akonio does until he is caught in the act. Before committing suicide, Akonio leaves a clue to where he hid his gold stockpile. Fast forward to the modern day where Danny and Omar are also going to school (not in Timbuktu). Danny and Omar deeply enjoy a freedom of movement called parkour, and Danny equates this kind of thinking to his computer hacking skills as well. Unbeknownst to Danny, a map that explains Akonio’s clue has been discovered, and it will take a hacker to get at it. Enter some interested guys who are forcibly enlisting the help of known hackers, and Danny and Omar get swept up into finding the gold. But, what exactly have they gotten themselves into?
What did I like or not like?
The book is really easy to read, and imaging Danny and Omar racing through the streets is really cool. But, the storyline is pretty predictable, and there isn’t very much character development. But, if you are looking for an enjoyable and fast read, this one is for you.