Why did I read it?
A friend of mine mentioned the movie (based on the book, with a screenplay by the author) a couple of months ago and said he really enjoyed it, and it was in the house because my sister just got done reading it.
What happened?
Charlie is what people might describe as a wallflower; he is fantastic at observing, understanding, and listening, but when it comes to participating in life, he has a much harder time.
That is until his freshman year of high school when he meets Sam and Patrick. They smoke, go to parties, participate in The Rocky Horror Picture Show, and basically turn Charlie's world upside down for the better.
For the first time in his life, Charlie has friends, is trying new things, and feels like he belongs. But, the problem with participating is that living life is so much more confusing when you are stuck in the middle of it instead of watching from the sidelines.
What did I like or not like?
I have recently found that I really, really like stream of consciousness novels (which this one happens to be). The honest, babbly, uncertain questions and statements that the character makes really give a great look at who that character really is.
This novel deals with drugs, drinking, sex, homosexuality, and all the other things that typical, modern teens deal with and experience. But, I agree with my friend when he said that it deals with many hard topics, and yet deals with them well.