Now we didn't have a lot of Nerf guns at our library (shocker!), so we asked members to bring their own. In order to make sure that most people walked back out with what they brought in, we had everyone sign in with their name, grade, email, and what equipment they had brought. Many of the teens were willing to let others use their extra guns which was great.
Then came the fun part! We had a couple different scenarios that were a ton of fun.
All v. All/Red v. Blue
Everyone gets two rubber bands on their wrist, a gun in their hand, and the time when the round is going to end. When someone shoots you, you show them that you are putting one of your lives (the rubber bands) on the floor, and then you run back to a spawn point (we used hula hoops) before you can reengage.
You can change this slightly by dividing everyone into two teams. We gave everyone a simple colored yarn bracelet (one side red, one side blue), and away we went.
We did this two different ways, but in both ways the fun part is the humans will eventually lose in a wave of Zombie inevitability.
1) Hide 3 small guns across the library. Select 3 teens as Zombies. If you get touched by a Zombie, you become a zombie. If you find a gun and shoot a Zombie, they lay down for 5 seconds, and then keep coming.
2) Select about a fourth of your teens as Zombies. Give everyone else a gun. This time, the Zombies can run! If a human gets touched, they become a Zombie. If a Zombie gets shot, they have to touch a spawn point, and then just keep coming. This was the favorite scenario by far!
Ninja Protect the President
A group of selected teens (the bodyguards) are trying to get another teen (the president), from one side of the library to the other. The president doesn't get a gun, and the bodyguards just get two plates or a large tray to block darts and discs. Everyone else in the library is trying to take the president down.
If the president is hit, or if the president gets to the finish location, the round ends. If the bodyguards get hit, they have to drop to their knees for 3 seconds, leaving the president vulnerable. Clarifying that attackers can't push past the bodyguards will be useful, and if that doesn't quite work, give the bodyguards some small guns as well as shields.