Now, Dropbox is legit, amazing, and works really, really well. But, sometimes you'd rather not sign-in, sign-up, or sync to get your file where you want it. Say hello to OneTimeBox. It's the concept of Dropbox or any other cloud storage sharing application, minus the login and account.
Go onto OneTimeBox, put up to 1GB of information into the box, and a link is created that you can share with anyone. Anyone you send it to also has the option to put more stuff into the box (which doesn't change the link), and the box will stay active for 1 week. Now, should you use this to backup your photo collection? Probably not. But, if you want to share something in a hurry, with no worry, this might be the answer.
Another cool thing about OneTimeBox is that it is open source, and operating under the MIT license. Just in case the concept of dropping your files into a random box scared you =D
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