Some people make purses; some people make wreaths; some people make poems. But no matter what is made, I thought the idea was super cool!
First of all, it's cool because it is something totally out of the box.
Secondly, it's cool because it breaks all the rules. You aren't supposed to cut, paste, or damage a book. But, if the book is destined for a landfill, why shouldn't we use it as a craft project? If a book has been well-loved, why not love it one more time?
Lastly, it's cool because, well, its just cool!
For our first foray into altered books, we just did collages. Working at a library, there were plenty of discarded books to choose from. Then it was simply a matter of grabbing stencils, yarn, stickers, markers, fancy scissors, and buttons, and letting the kids imagine what their books could look like. Some of the kiddos decorated the covers, other kids picked a pair of pages inside, while other kids posted a single element onto each page inside.
The kids had a really good time, and I'll definitley do altered books again. Might be a different project next time, though, because there are so many ideas out there!
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