Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Goth Girl Rising: Lashing Out or Moving On

Goth Girl Rising by Barry Lyga

Why did I read it?

Because I finished The Astonishing Adventures of Fanboy and Goth Girl and had to know if Kyra was going to be able to work through her problems, or if she was going to get worse...

What happened?


So Donnie thought that he might have unintentionally told Kyra to kill herself, so he freaked out and called her Dad who swiftly dropped her back in the mental hospital. Oh sweet!

Well, Kyra just got released, and she is still ticked at her Dad and Fanboy (Donnie)! But, she is willing to give Fanboy a chance because she really did like him, and even though he still has a lot of work to do on Schemata (his graphic novel), he understands girls better than any other boy she knows.

But, she very quickly realizes that she can't forgive Fanboy like she thought. Not only did he not write her a single email while she was imprisoned, he seemed to forget she even existed and completely move on without her. He even had the nerve to publish Schemata in the ridiculous school art paper.

So needless to say, Kyra is not happy, and she is going to stop at nothing until she has absolutely destroyed Fanboy!

What did I like or not like?

As I mentioned, I decided to read the sequel because I had to figure out what was going to happen to Kyra, and I also got totally drawn into these characters and this world. Lyga's sequel doesn't disappoint. You still have the same interaction and characters from Fanboy and Goth Girl, but instead of it being from Donnie's perspective, this time we get a peek inside of Kyra's head.

Similarly to Donnie's experience, Kyra goes through a whole bunch of things that ultimately make her realize that she isn't as alone as she might have thought. But even more ultimately, Krya finds a way to deal with her anger, and her mother's death, that is both realistic and hopeful.

P.S. Just like the first title, there is language and sexual references throughout this one.

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