Friday, April 23, 2010

Somewhere out there...

How did everyone’s week go? Mine went pretty well. I had a couple final presentations and tests in school, and even though I don’t have a grade on the test yet, I’m pretty sure I did well on it, and the presentation went well even though it was really hard to prepare for.

This week at work has been a lot of planning and finding contact information. I'm working on getting the word out about our programs, and this means finding people to send the information to. Karen and I are meeting with someone from the school next week to discuss promotion in the schools. I’ve compiled a list of churches that I’m going to send the word to next week, and I'm also going to contact our local homeschool groups.

While I’ve been studying and researching what other libraries do for their Next-Gen adults, I can’t help but get a little anxious. Will our programs ever be THAT successful? Is my audience interested in programs at the library?

Although its easy enough to think that my library won't be able to be this successful, I have to think that if these other libraries have patrons coming in, then that proves that Next-Gen adults are interested in fun, interesting programs. I also have to take comfort in the fact that there are many businesses and organizations that are interested in partnering with other people reaching their same audience. We just have to find each other.

So, I’m going to do my best to come up with programs that will be of interest and be fun for you guys, and I’m going to continue to build my network of churches, schools, and businesses so we can have an even bigger group of folks to hang out with. If anyone is interested in programs, or has some ideas for people I could reach, feel free to contact me.

Nick Madsen-Young Adult Librarian
Phone: (208) 772-5612 ext. 120
You can also find me on Facebook under Nick Madsen or Next-Gen Adults of the Kootenai Shoshone Libraries or you can search for KSL4NextGen on Twitter or Youtube.

Hope you all have a great week.

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