Thursday, April 21, 2011

Its a Brother Thing...

Hows it going everybody?

So once again, this week has been crazy busy with work, school, and still trying to have some R&R, but I was able to read The Things a Brother Knows by Dana Reinhardt. This book is on YALSA’s 2011 Top Ten Best Books for Young Adults, and I can see why. I got a chance to read it thanks to the Idaho Commission for Libraries. They awarded participants of Teens and Technology 2011 with the Top Ten Books, or with a digital photo frame. I had the photo frame from a previous workshop, so I got the books!

Anyways, Levi is a seventeen year old who has always lived under his brother’s shadow. Boaz (the older brother) was popular, athletic, and a brainiac. He could have chosen any college in the country. But, instead of going to college, Boaz went to war as a marine, and Levi still can’t understand that decision. Now, several years later, Boaz is returning from his tour of duty. Levi is excited about his return, but he can’t help but realize that not everything is fine and dandy. Boaz spends all of his time in his room, away from his family, and is constantly pouring over different routes toward Washington, D.C. So, when Boaz tells his parents that he’s going to hike the Appalachian Trail, Levi knows there’s something else really going on, and he’s going to be there for his brother whether Boaz wants him or not.

Although the plot sounds simple, this is a very powerful story. As Levi and Boaz begin to trust each other and built a relationship again, we are reminded that a man who has seen war will never be the same again. The characters talk about the pieces that have to be put back together after a soldier returns home. This book takes an honest look at one way a soldier and his family start to pick the pieces back up.

p.s. There are a few cuss words peppered throughout the story, including the f-word, and there is a half-page explanation of an encounter that goes a little beyond kissing. Even though that didn’t wreck the book for me, I thought you might want to know. I figure its best to be honest when it comes to what content is in a book.

Have a great week!

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