Since last Fall, we've had a Ka-Boom: Science Experiments program going on at the library. For the past two summers, we've invited Greg Braileanu to do a special program on LEGO NXT robots. We just had the last robot program yesterday, so I figured I'd talk a little about cool things to do with these robots.
Greg has a blog that he just started, and he is planning on filling the blog with resources and cool things to do with robots.
There are a couple schools and clubs that have formed around building these robots, so if you are interested, there are places to get involved.
Obviously, this is a LEGO product, so LEGO has set up a page that has videos, a funzone, and information on the robots at
There are also summer camps that the Discovery Institue offers that deal with robots and engineering. You can catch the Discover Technology folks at many of the city days in the area and at the North Idaho Fair & Rodeo. This is a link to a calendar of events.
Just to let you know, these robots are super cool, so if you haven't played with one, figure out some way to get one :)
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