In addition to a fun program, some of my questions leaned toward literacy. These questions looked like finding a book, or finding a piece of information. This was an awesome opportunity to see how much the kids knew about finding things in the library, and filling in the blanks of how to find something if they weren't very familiar with it.
If you wanted to make the program a little creepier, it would be more fun to do this at night, in a darker library, and have some creepy decorations going on.
All in all it was a great program, and if you were wondering what my questions linked like, here is a list for you =D
What is the theme for this year's Teen Summer Reading?
One of the horror books that Rick Yancey wrote is titled...
Create your own ghost (using paper towels and a sharpie), and use it to decorate the Young Adult Section
Write down what is hidden inside the slime. (I used some cornstarch, water, and green food coloring to make my slime, and hid a plastic bug in it)
Do the solar system puzzle. (Not exactly creepy, but the kids had a fun time doing it. I originally thought of each team having to do the puzzle individually, but I thought it would take to long. So instead, I had all of the kids built it together to start the program)
Find a creepy book and write the title here
Who wrote The Monstrous Memoirs of a Mighty McFearless?
Find a creepy movie and write the title here
Find 5 creepy crawlies and right down where you found them. (I placed 10 plastic bugs across the library, just in case a few were too hard to find in a short time)
Do the Creepy Words Word Search Puzzle
Do a creepy face and have your librarian take a picture of it
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