Monday, July 9, 2012

Tell Your Own Ghost Story

So each year, the Collaborative Summer Library Program (representatives from each state team up to offer better and more affordable summer reading programs) chooses three themes; one for kids, one for teens, and one for adults. This year, the teen theme is Own the Night. In addition to choosing a theme, they also offer incentives and prizes and a manual full of program ideas.

One of the suggested programs was making up your own ghost stories, so I thought we'd make a program out of it by giving our older tween group (6-8 grade) some suggestions and then videotape what they came up with.

I figured that like most stories, there were certain things that a ghost story would need (who, what, where, etc.) and I wrote the questions down and some possible answers to them. I gave an answer sheet to each participant, made up my own story to show that it wasn't that bad, and then let them at it. I've posted some of the videos on my YouTube Channel, and the rest will be coming soon.


P.S. Here's the questions that I asked just in case the program sounded interesting :)

Who are you? (TV reporter, Ghost survivor, local farmer)

When did you first hear about it? (Childhood, 10 minutes ago, sometime last year)

How do you know about it? (Lived through it, your friend survived it, heard it from some neighbors)

What is this thing called? (The Big Hairy, Terribleautapus, The Reptile)

When did it come into existence? (18th century, last week, every eclipse)

How did it come into existence? (freak experiment, untimely death, no one knows)

Where does it lurk now? (an old house, graveyard, in the library)

Why should we be afraid of it? (decapitation, tickles people to death, creeps up and says boo)

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