Tuesday, June 12, 2012

PDFescape: Edit Those Uneditable PDFs

What do you think of PDFs? Kind of an odd question, but there is a reason for it. PDFs can be really nice if you need to reach a wide variety of computers with a single file type. Pretty much anything can read a PDF while other file extensions can't be opened unless you have that exact program.

For example, I work on a Windows, and I normally create posters in Publisher and then create a JPG file. Unfortunately, when I send that to our Community Resources Administrator who uses a MAC, it won't open the Publisher file, or the JPG extension.

So, PDF makes that problem go away because both MACs and Windows will open it. But, therein lies the rub! PDFs don't like to be edited.

When you are sending information back and forth that two people have to edit, or the PDF is actually a form you have to fill out, some PDFs don't let you edit them, and it is SO ANNOYING!

But, PDFescape has an answer to that problem. It allows you to edit a PDF by whiting an area out, and then adding text, images or web links. PDFescape can also be utilized for viewing PDFs, filling out forms, annotating PDFs, or designing PDF forms. While the premium version (the pay-some-money-version) has no ads, the free version has a few. But, they aren't overly obnoxious.

Personally, I have only used the edit side of things, and even though it was very useful, it didn't have a copy and paste feature! Once you create an element by whiting something out and then typing into it, it wouldn't let you copy it.

Now, the poster I was trying to create had a lot of repeating text, so this particular lack of feature was very agitating. But, if you are only filling out a form or fixing one area of a PDF, PDFescape is going to be awesome!

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