Monday, May 21, 2012

Brownies: The Chocolate Chip Variety

Once again, having a stove while doing cooking programs is very convenient :) We just did Chocolate Chip Brownies for our last Play With Your Food program, and part of the recipe is melting the chocolate chips on a stove top. Luckily, the same result could be accomplished with a microwave, but I thought the kids would enjoy working on a stove top (obviously with close supervision lol).

As everyone knows, but silly young adult librarians like me fail to take into account, is that brownies take a while to cook! The recipe I used takes about 40 minutes, which is a large chunk of an hour program. So, if I were to do it again, I would probably make it an hour and a half program instead.

Then the question becomes, what do you do with the kids while the brownies are cooking? I found that they had a really good time entertaining themselves. Now, they didn't have free range of the library, we were in our kitchen, but they were chatting, talking, and joking about this and that, and seemed to be doing okay with the waiting time.

But, something that I used to fill a little bit of the time was making cinnamon sugar tortillas. I had the kids tear tortillas into smaller pieces, sprinkle cinnamon-sugar over the top, and cooked them for about 5-7 minutes. They were surprisingly simple and delicious :)

Another idea I had but didn't quite use was something with mashmallows. These Zombie Marshmallows are super simple to do, and would also be quite hillarious hehe.

Whether you use some fillers or not, brownies were really popular, and the kids were really excited to make their own.

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