So I'm always looking for fun craft projects to do. Shrinky Dinks were really fun at our
Hunger Games Party, and I only knew about those because I used to do them as a kid. That got me to thinking what other things I had done as a kid, and I immediately thought of
Perler Beads.
Now I never called them Perler Beads when I was growing up. It was just "those bead things" we always did at Grandma's house. Basically, you take a plastic peg board with tiny little pegs, put tiny little beads on them, and then iron them. The iron melts the beads together and you have an awesome and simple little thingy :)

My family already had the peg board shapes at our house, but they are easy to find at craft stores. Most of the time you can purchase beads and peg boards in a kit. If you already have the peg boards, you just need to purchase a thing of beads, and bring an iron from home.
The kids had a really fun time putting them together, and they also thought it was really cool that some beads and an iron could make such cool designs.
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