Why did I read it?
We have the awesome problem of getting a lot of new books right now (YAY!) and this had a cool cover and an interesting synposis lol.
What happened?
Apparently, items from the past are in high demand in the future, and Uncle is in the business of connecting items with buyers. The year is 2061, and Caleb is one of Uncle's time snatchers, a child he "adopted" and sends on missions into the past.
Snatching itself isn't that bad; but, Uncle is starting to threaten physical harm for failed missions, and Frank is starting to steal the things that Caleb was sent to steal. That isn't to mention the expansion that Uncle is planning, and the fact that Abbie, his best friend and partner, is starting to make goo-goo eyes at Frank. Problems!
While Caleb thought he'd be a time snatcher for life, these new complications are starting to put some doubts in his mind and makes him start to wonder what kind of future he wants to create.
What did I like or not like?
I think its kind of funny that I've read two time traveling books one after the other, but these novels couldn't be more different. Stravaganza: City of Masks had more of an historical fiction feel, and this one definitely leans more toward Sci-Fi. But, that doesn't mean it is the typical time travel novel. I thought it had some great new ideas and situations.
While the technology made for some interesting twists, and the story was very engaging, I thought the ending was a little bit lacking. It could have been that the author was leaving it open for a sequel, or that I just missed something, but I kind of felt like there were some loose ends.
But, this book is definitely worth reading!
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